
Smart Heating System

Realize the balance adjustment and scheduling of the large network in the heating industry

Device remote access

Standardized data collection

Heating Balance Scheduling

Equipment remote maintenance

Device remote control

Data report analysis

Demand context

As the Internet of Things technology, edge computing and cloud computing technologies have gradually matured, the use of advanced Industry 4.0 technology and architecture to build a heating big data cloud platform will distribute heat sources, heat networks, heat exchange stations and users across the country and the world. Centralized monitoring, analysis and application of all data at the terminal has become an industry development trend. It can eliminate information islands, realize unified remote scheduling and maintenance operations, maximize energy saving in heating network, and provide customers with new consumption. and energy usage patterns.


Wtbl is an industrial intelligent gateway, remote operation and maintenance management platform and intelligent dispatching cloud platform tailored for the heating industry. It can collect the data of heat sources, heat networks, heat exchange stations and industrial equipment distributed all over the country to the cloud platform for analysis and display. It cooperates with the big data cloud platform to build a comprehensive management, control and operation and maintenance system of "edge computing" + "cloud computing", so as to realize the balance adjustment and dispatching of the large network in the heating industry; At the same time, through the industrial intelligent gateway, remote operation and maintenance management platform and remote maintenance management system of WTBL, remote operation and maintenance management can be realized for field equipment distributed around the country, greatly improving the operation and maintenance efficiency and system stability, thus achieving the business goals of cost reduction, energy conservation and optimization.

Internet of Everything

Intelligent Collection

Edge Computing

Cloud Application

Schema topology

Programme benefits

Device remote access

Connect heat sources, heat networks, heat exchange stations and industrial equipment distributed across the country to the cloud platform

Standardized data collection

Realize standardized data collection and upload to big data cloud platform

Heating Balance Scheduling

Through edge computing + cloud computing, the large-scale network balance adjustment and scheduling of the heating system is realized

Equipment remote maintenance

Through the equipment express line, remote operation and maintenance management, remote debugging and remote maintenance are carried out for equipment across the country to improve the operation and maintenance efficiency and ensure the stability of the system.

Device remote control

Variable back control to realize remote control of control structure such as control valve

Data report analysis

Integrate and analyze data from multiple dimensions to achieve business goals of cost reduction, energy saving, and optimization

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